Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Mama got a brand new hair-do!
So that first picture is definitely not flattering, but my husband took it and wasn't willing to take more than one. I'll take what I get I guess. It doesn't help that he doesn't tell me when he's taking the actual picture. Hence the fact that 95% of our pictures do NOT have me in them because I'm the photographer.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Even big girls need a little flair for their hair
I already had all of the supplies to make these in my stash so I didn't spend a penny! Woo Hoo!
Most of you reading this blog know me personally but I'm sure there are a few of you who don't. For those of you who don't know me, welcome, thank you for visiting my blog and reading about all of my crazy crafting adventures!
Since many of you know me, you know that I have struggled with my weight pretty much all of my life. I constantly go up and down but mainly stay on the up part much longer than the down. =( I even went for an interview in Los Angeles with my best friend to be contestants on the show The Biggest Loser!! (NO JOKE!!) September 15Th was a huge turning point in my life when my best friend and I started on a journey of losing weight together and keeping this weight off forever! Yesterday I hit a major milestone in my weight loss when my scale registered that I had lost 50 pounds! Yes, I have lost 50 pounds in 3 months (almost exactly to the day! just one day early!) Woo Hoo! I feel like the hugest load has been lifted off my back (well, actually more from my tummy, hips, and thighs!) and I am so proud that I did it the right way through diet and exercise. My husband and I often joke that I have lost a whole Maddie as she weighs almost 40 pounds. But now I'm close to losing a Maddie and a Peyton! LOL.
In celebration of our huge accomplishments, my best friend (she's lost about 40 pounds!) and I spent almost all day together shopping, going to this awesome up and coming fashion designer show here in San Diego, talking, and treating ourselves to an amazing lunch at the Cheesecake Factory! I pretty much took all day off from crafting (except for about an hour when I got home), being a mommy, and feeling all of the Holiday stress I have been feeling for this past month! I had the best time yesterday and realize just how much time off away from the kids is vital to my mental well being. Since having the girls I've never focused much on 'mommy time' or even taking much care of myself (hence the many many pounds I packed on after Peyton's birth). Finally realizing that when I take care of my self both mentally as well as physically, I am a much better mommy to my girls and wife to my husband. I'm much happier, I can do more things as I don't have as much weight holding me back, and all of the stress of the Holidays doesn't make me mean and grouchy like in the past, it just feels like a challenge that I am ready to conquer.
Since this Thrifty 50 challenge started, I have been in 3 craft shows (one of which I actually organize), had a few migraines, doctored my whole family and myself who all got the flu and Peyton now with a cold, crafted, tried to grow my mommy business, and am now preparing for 2 Christmas celebrations at my house (Christmas this Saturday with my husband's dad and brother, and Christmas Eve with my whole family). So, stress and tension have been very high this year (hence the migraines!) To top it all off, I can add losing 50 pounds to the list of accomplishments this Christmas season!
Of all the gifts I could give to my family at Christmas, I think that the gift of my health and continuing weight loss will be the best gift I can give to them. Setting the example for my girls of living a healthy lifestyle in both diet and exercise will be a lifelong gift I can give to them. I know that due to this weight loss I have added many more years to my life and hopefully avoided many diseases that come with obesity. I am thankful that I have never suffered from any ill effects or conditions from being overweight and am making it my goal to keep it this way.
If I have inspired just one person to lose weight this Holiday season or upcoming year than I will feel that it has been worthwhile to share my story with you all. Losing weight and maintaining that weight loss is not easy, and will be a battle I shall fight the rest of my life. Choosing to live healthy is worth all of the struggle and pain that I have gone through and will continue to go through. Hopefully my girls are too young to remember 'fat' mommy and will only have memories of me as I am now and will be soon in the future......healthy and happy!
Thank you to all of you who have supported me through my many weight loss endeavors. You all know who you are and that I couldn't have done it without you. I love you all!!! Thanks too to my special weight loss buddy! May we always keep each other accountable and stay fit and healthy for life!
And another one.....
Are they clean or dirty???
For the other little chef in our family....
This chef's hat has been made for a few days now and I was waiting to post it with the completed apron, but alas the apron is still not finished. I am having problems with my sewing machine as of late (it is my grandmother's sewing machine and is a really old Kenmore from crazy! There's more to that story and I'll have to tell you all later) So, I will post Jake's hat now as it is done and will be embroidered with his name on the front. I can't wait to see him open it up on Christmas Eve (that's when we do presents with my family) and explain to him what it is. My girls have seen both of the chef's hats laying around the house but have no clue what they are, so I'm sure he won't either!
I do have one confession to make though....I tried Jake's hat on Peyton just to see how it looked and if it would fit looks adorable!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
If all the Snowflakes were Candy Canes and Milkshakes...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
My ingenious idea!
I just have to laugh about this. So, I went to the mall with my lovely SIL today and we both brought along the kidlets (2 each=4 total). We traded off watching them in 'Germ City' (AKA the play land) so the other could do a little shopping. I didn't know how much harder it is watching 4 kids as opposed to 2. Yikes, maybe we won't have baby #3! J/K. Anyway, I had a coupon from Victoria's Secret for $10 off any purchase. Being the total cheap-o that I am, I went in and found something for exactly $10. I originally went in wanting body wash but it was only $8.50 and I didn't want to spend any money there nor did I want to lose that extra $1.50 that they were giving me. So, I decided to get the body butter instead, which smells heavenly if I do say so myself. Of course the associate at the counter tried to hit me up for the 3 for $24 deal which I totally would have done in the past. Now with a family budget and my husband's hawk eyes on our finances, that's not going to be happening anytime soon. I also use their free panties coupon too and only get the free panties and nothing else. Yeah, the ladies at our VS love me!
So, on to my ingenious plan.......
I was emptying the car just now and throwing away the bags I didn't need and looked at my Victoria's Secret bag and thought, "Wow, how cute is that bag. It looks like it could be used for a present." Well, the logo on the front wouldn't really look that great, but hmmmmm........{insert a picture of my cheap-o crafty mind's wheels spinning!} AHHH HA! I've got it. I am going to put my husband's present in it for Christmas! I am making him a magnet for our dishwasher that tells him if our dishes are clean or dirty. I'm almost finished so check back for pics in a day or so. Yes, he has put dirty dishes away before and put dirty dishes in with the clean ones too. So, he really needs it and I had to make him something. He's actually mentioned it a couple of times that it would really help him out, so it will be a perfect gift for him. Won't he be thrilled on Christmas day to see a bag labeled for him and Victoria's Secret printed on the side! He will be shocked and probably embarrassed because of course it will be in front of either my family or his family when he opens it. He will be even more shocked when it's not sexy lingerie and it's a dishwasher magnet! LOL!
As a side husband is known for wrapping up things I already own and gifting them to me. One Christmas it was a bag of tea light candles that I had purchased the week before. I'm sure there are more but they've slipped my mind at the moment. So, don't send me hate mail over this or think I'm mean and nasty. I love my husband very much but sometimes a girls gotta have a little fun! I've gotta be sure to post some pictures of his face too when he sees that present at Christmas. Hopefully my SIL can remind me!
Lastly, the picture is proof that I only bought (well it was actually free) the body butter lotion and not any sexy lingerie!
A is for Apple
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Christmas came early...
Oh, and I've gotta tell you that I didn't even spend one penny on it! I got free shipping since I bought something else totalling $25. Also, I have had these Amazon gift certificate codes in my e-mail box for months just wondering what I should use them on. (I was chosen to participate in an online forum only for women about HP products. Cool, huh? So, about once a quarter I get a $15 Amazon gift card and they have been piling up.) Anyway, the next book I'm drooling over is In Stitches by Amy Butler (a fabulous fabric and pattern designer) I hope I get that one for Christmas though. Hint, Hint!
So, now that I've finally got the book in my possession, I've just gotta find the time to read it!
The Circle of Life
My heart just breaks for Miss D. and her family right now. I can't even begin to imagine how hard it would be to lose your father. I don't know details or any other information, I can only hope that he is now up in Heaven with his Father.
Miss D. is honestly the most genuinely happy person that I know. She enjoys her job and truly loves and cares for those little 3 year olds like no one else can. She is wonderful at what she does and we fell in love with her from the first day Maddie stepped foot in her class. She asks me every day how I am doing and waits intently for my reply. Today I had had a hard morning getting Maddie up and dressed (she did not want to wear the striped shirt! although she had a choice of 2 outfits). She whined all the way there that she didn't want to go, blah, blah, blah. I just tuned it out today. So, of course when Miss D. asked how I was doing I unloaded on her a bit about how much of a struggle I'm having with Maddie. In true Miss. D style she had a positive thing to say and told me what a good job I was doing. Some days I feel like she is my personal cheerleader, cheering me on to be the best mommy I can be. Not once did I detect anything was wrong with her nor did she unload any of her problems on me or the kids (Maddie had no clue why Miss. D went home early today). Now I'm feeling a bit guilty about not asking her how her day was going and not being able to give her a positive word when she could really use it.
So, I'm a bit down today thinking of the loved ones in my family that have already passed and the few others who are to follow. Makes me want to squeeze my girls a little harder today and shower them with extra kisses. Our lives are too short not to be happy and content with what God has given us. Not typically being an overly happy person myself, I think I will make it my goal throughout the Holidays and the coming year to work on that part of my life. I have so much to be thankful for and need to show it more to those around me.
If only there were more Miss. D's in the world.
We Love you Miss. D.!!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Gobble, Gobble, Splat!
Thanksgiving day we went over to my parent's house and had a HUGE Thanksgiving lunch with all of the family. Everything was delicious and the girls enjoyed playing with their cousins. We then went up to my husband's mom and step-dad's house to spend the long weekend. Well, everything was going great until about 1 am when my husband got incredibly sick with the flu. He was the sickest I have ever seen him since we met. He spent most of Friday in the bathroom, but I'll save you the graphic details. Then I got a touch of it on Saturday while I was in the middle of the Fashion District in Los Angeles. Not the place you want to get sick as there are practically no bathrooms there. Yeah, fun times!
So, our weekend plans to go to my husband's 10-year reunion Friday night and then spend the night in a hotel just the 2 of us were totally out of the question. I canceled the hotel and my husband e-mailed his reunion planner and they actually refunded our $120! Woo hooo! The girls got to spend tons of time with their grandparents which they absolutely loved, I got no crafting accomplished, and we ended up giving my mother-in-law the flu. Talk about feeling terrible. It's one thing to be sick at your in-law's house but to then get them sick as well is a whole different story. (If you're reading this Grandma and Silly Grandpa, the girls had a blast and are already asking when they can come back. Chris and I want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking care of us and for all you do for us. We love you!)
That about sums up our fun weekend! I had visions of cutting out aprons in preparation for this week's sewing, making a few hair bows, and completing my game plan. Unfortunately none of that happened. The one thing that I did do was to go to Barnes and Noble and look through tons of craft books. I had so many I could barely carry all of them. I found so many great ideas, and now have a more clear plan of what I'm going to make for the hard people on my list. Yeah!
Today was spent cleaning the house and unpacking, so tomorrow I have to start sewing! I've gotta get started or I'm gonna kill myself in the last few days like usual. I won't do that this year, I won't do that this year, I won't do that this year! Keep me to my word, okay?